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What are the Different Types of Real Estate Development?

What are the Different Types of Real Estate Development?

Are you thinking of becoming a real estate developer? It is one of the most rewarding areas, and a lot of people would like to jump in.

October 1, 2021

Are you thinking of becoming a real estate developer? It is one of the most rewarding areas, and a lot of people would like to jump in. Real estate development is a multifaceted sector that plays a critical role in shaping urban landscapes and influencing economic trends. It encompasses the planning, financing, and building of projects that range from small residential buildings to massive commercial and industrial complexes.

This field not only contributes significantly to economic growth by creating jobs and generating substantial revenues but also impacts communities by improving living standards, providing essential services, and enhancing infrastructural facilities.

Importance of Real Estate Construction

Construction is the backbone of real estate development. It turns visionary projects into tangible assets that can be used for various purposes. This phase involves several critical activities, including site preparation, building, and the final finishing work. Real estate construction is pivotal because it directly affects the timeline, budget, and overall success of any development project. Moreover, the quality of construction work can determine the safety, durability, and functionality of the developed property, making it a central focus for developers, investors, and future occupants alike.

Understanding Real Estate Development

Real estate development involves a complex process that extends far beyond mere construction. It encompasses the entire lifecycle of a property from initial concept and feasibility analysis through to planning, design, construction, and ultimately, marketing and sales. This multifaceted discipline combines elements of finance, urban planning, architecture, and market research, among others, to transform undeveloped land or existing properties into revitalized residential, commercial, industrial, or mixed-use spaces that meet specific community needs and economic goals.

Role of Real Estate Construction

Construction plays a pivotal role in real estate development, serving as the execution phase where plans and designs become physical structures. It is during this stage that the vision of developers and the functional designs of architects are materialized into tangible assets.

The real estate construction phase involves a variety of complex tasks including groundwork, structural engineering, building, and finishing work. This stage is critical as it not only impacts the project's overall timeline and budget but also determines the structural integrity and quality of the finished development. Effective construction management is crucial for ensuring that projects meet legal standards, adhere to safety regulations, and achieve environmental sustainability goals.

Key Players in Real Estate Development

Several key stakeholders play indispensable roles throughout the lifecycle of a real estate development project:

1.  Developers: They are the primary visionaries who identify investment opportunities and orchestrate the overall development process. Developers are responsible for securing funding, acquiring land, obtaining necessary permits, and overseeing the project from inception to completion.

2.  Architects: Architects design the buildings and spaces to be aesthetically pleasing and functional, while also ensuring that the designs comply with local zoning laws and building codes. Their creative and technical expertise is essential in shaping the project's concept into viable architectural plans.

3.  Builders and Contractors: These are the entities and individuals who take on the actual task of constructing the development. Their skills are crucial in translating design blueprints into physical structures through coordinated labor, material management, and on-site decision-making.

4.  Investors and Financial Institutions: They provide the necessary capital for real estate projects. Their involvement is critical as real estate development often requires substantial upfront investment, which can be sourced from banks, private equity firms, or individual investors.

5.  Engineers: Including civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical engineers, these professionals ensure that the infrastructure of the development is safe, efficient, and capable of enduring the demands of its environment and use.

6.  Planners and Legal Consultants: Urban or regional planners help ensure that the development complies with local planning policies and that it contributes positively to the area’s growth. Legal consultants, on the other hand, handle the myriad of legal aspects related to property transactions, permits, and compliance with regulations.

By understanding the roles and responsibilities of these key players, stakeholders can better appreciate the complexity and collaborative nature of real estate development. This broad spectrum of involvement not only drives the success of individual projects but also fosters community development and economic growth.

Before you can get into it, it is important to appreciate that real estate development investment developers falls into different categories. Shortly, we will take a closer look and answer the big question, “What are the different types of real estate development?” 


This is a unique form of real estate development that targets improving land that had previously been developed. Often, these areas are abandoned because the facilities are not enough, high pollution, or the zoning did not favor them. Therefore, the bulk of the work involves upgrading the facilities to meet the latest clients’ demands. 

Benefits of Brownfield

  • The Costs Involved are Low 

Because you are dealing with an already existing infrastructure, developing it will be cheaper compared to putting it up from scratch. This means that you can complete the project faster and get tenants of buyers faster. See – why spend a lot of money working from scratch when you can develop an already existing property for the same results?

  • The Project can be Completed Faster 

When the original developer was planning or putting up the property, he/she acquired the required authorizations. For example, the building design was evaluated and approved for the construction works to commence. Therefore, you will not need to go back for the same approval. This means that once you sign a contract with an appropriate developer, the upgrade construction management works can commence immediately. 

  • The Project is Economically Viable 

The property might have been abandoned because it was no longer suitable for the previous user. Therefore, the local authorities are likely to approve alternative uses. For example, a building that no longer suits industrial operations might be developed into high-value commercial or residential units. 

Demerits of Brownfield Real Estate Development 

  • Development Constraints 

If you are developing a real estate from scratch, there is a lot of flexibility. However, there are major constraints when working on a previously developed property, requiring major compromises. 

  • Operating Challenges 

In most cases, you will find brownfield properties located in less desirable areas, such as inner-city and sections that experience a lot of traffic. Accessibility and even working logistics might be a major challenge when developing these areas. 

  • Environmental Issues 

Many houses are vacated because they do not meet the health and environmental standards. For example, if a house was designed with asbestos or other harmful materials, its development will require changing them.  In such a case, planning and transforming the property to meet the modern standards might be expensive. 

 Greenfield Real Estate Development 

This type of real estate development involves developing land that was previously undeveloped or used for agriculture. In most cases, these are unfenced open fields, undeveloped but restricted plots in cities, or unutilized government land. So, what are the pros and cons? 


  • The Developer Enjoys Maximum Flexibility 

Unlike the brownfield development model, the Greenfield option provides the developer with wide-open spaces that come with great flexibility. This implies that you can test different housing project concepts for better result. 

  • Compliance with Environmental Standards is Easy 

Because you are working on the project from scratch, it is easy to select high-quality and approved materials for construction. This means that the house will be safer, approval by authorities will be faster, and the cost of clearing debris will be lower because there are no hazardous materials.  


  • Huge Costs 

Because the project is starting from the ground, the entire process housing job can be complex and expensive. Think of the cost required for building design, getting approvals, acquiring materials, and labor for the entire period of construction. 

  • It can Take A Lot of Time 

Once you have decided to develop a new field, the time required to complete the project can be lengthy. By the time the new property will be ready for occupancy, the chances are that a developer working on brownfield real estate development will be on the second or third project. 

Residential Real Estate Development 

This type of development targets developing property for residential or living purposes. Therefore, the main focus is ensuring they are properly designed to provide users with all the facilities required to make home life comfortable. So, you might want to use good building design software for construction management, including creating visualizations that capture things such as kitchen, living space, and bedroom. 


  • Because every person needs a home, the demand will always be there, whether for rental or for sale. 
  • It can be a good source of passive income if you opt to rent to tenants. 
  • Residential real estate is a great option for diversifying a personal investment portfolio. 
  • Selling residential property under normal market conditions is easier.


  • Developing the property from scratch can be expensive. 
  • If you develop residential property in the wrong area, selling it can take a lot of time. 
  • The price of the property can be impacted by a lot of factors, from outbreak of a pandemic to government policies. 

What Do You Need for Real Estate Development?

To invest in real estate development, the most important component is goodwill. It comes in handy along the way to help property investment developers overcome the challenges that might be encountered. Other important requirements include: 

  • Professional architect. This is the professional who will work on the plans and help you to conceptualize the final project. Most architects use the latest building design software to design buildings.
  • Enough resources. The process of developing property can be expensive and it is important to be prepared with enough funds to pay for property, labor, and materials. If the cash you have is not enough, it might be a good idea to explore alternative financing, such as bank loans.

If you are an aspiring real estate developer, it is important to understand the different types of developments you can engage in. The options we have listed above are only a few. The list can be longer. You might also want to consider industrial real estate development, commercial real estate development, and redevelopment.

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